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Come explore consciousness with us! We call this meditative experience:
Synthesis: Contemplation and Healing with Preston and Emily Klik.
Join our community on Synthesis Tuesdays as we integrate and nurture our mind, heart, body, and spirit.


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NOTE: We're taking a break.
No Synthesis until further notice.


Anyone is welcome, just show up - no need to RSVP.


WHEN =Tuesdays, 7:00p-8:30ish. Doors open @ 6:30, we talk and drink tea until 7:00 when we begin the week's topic.


WHERE =Preston and Emily's home, 600 Hartrey #11 (rear of building), Evanston, 60202


INFO, or call or text 773-728-2787


COST =$5 (more-or-less) donation - students welcome, no one is turned away for lack of funds, all ages welcome.


A small weekly meditation, with the night's topic presented by Emily or Preston, SYNTHESIS is an opportunity to safely explore individual and group consciousness, with a spiritual topic (not religious) led by Preston and/or Emily, often using music (recorded, or live gong and Tibetan singing bowls). You will have the opportunity to meet and share with like-spirited people who are exploring their spiritual paths. Via this gentle process, the pain-body is de-energized, and the Bliss-Body is awakened and nurtured.

Our intention is to co-create a mystical state in those who attend via guided contemplative meditation usually led by Preston, with gentle healing CranioSacral Therapy provided by Emily to remove energy/physical blocks, and to become ever-more familiar with that state of Grace, taking it into our daily lives.

Anyone is welcome, no need to RSVP.


Please note, when coming to our home... Let's be kind to all of our noses. Please practice good hygiene by showering before hand and wearing clean clothes. Please go easy on perfume/cologne. Thanks in advance!





• "I felt so spiritually refreshed I felt after Synthesis. The vibration was delicious & soul satisfying. The CranioSacral Therapy by Emily was amazing." - Mary M

• "Thank you for sharing your wonderful home with us tonight. It really resonated with me, & struck deeply within my being. I am going to do my best to incorporate this message into my everyday routine." - Eric Q

• "Thank you Preston Klik & Emily Klik for your overwhelming generosity, kindness, and "true" selflessness. I am in awe by the positive flow of energy, the ancient communion, & connection of spirit that I feel with each & every one I have encountered at your home. It truly is a pillar of light." - Jonathon H

• "If you haven't already connected with Preston & Emily Klik, you should. They are righteous & rad & they offer up all kinds of delectable spiritual treats forus, & they are stand for love as an activity. In other words, they LIVE their SPIRITUALITY. Get yerself on over to their home.  If I were in Chicago, there's nowhere else I'd rather be." - Dearbhla K

• "A wonderful session - I felt a LOT of energy and the visions I had during my meditation were detailed both in sight and touch. By the end I had that feeling of relief that you get when you've been up all night and you see the dawn coming because you know its a new day, a new start and somehow things always get better when the sun comes up. I started feeling a welling of energy again-white energy and so I concentrated on each person in the room being enveloped in it and my sight kept getting a little brighter. Thank you both for creating the space for me (and for everyone) to go within." ♥ Katie



Preston & Emily Klik

600 Hartrey #11,
Evanston IL 60202
"Like" us on Facebook...


PrestonKlik@aol dot com


EmilyKlik@yahoo dot com



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