CranioSacral Therapy by Emily Klik, LMT
What is CranioSacral Therapy?
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a form of bodywork that uses gentle touch, low- velocity manipulations (very slow, with little-to-no force), and focused intention. The result is a decrease in pain (physical and/or emotional), improvement in central-nervous-system function, improvement in alignment/ balance, relief from the various effects of stress, and a profound experience of inner peace and stillness.
CranioSacral Therapy is beneficial for people of all ages, and is considered an "adjunctive" or complementary therapy... meaning it can be combined with other forms of therapy for an improved and expedited therapeutic experience. (see Somato Emotional Release for information about release of emotionally-charged energy, or spiritual anguish)
CranioSacral Therapy effectively creates a sense of inner stillness and peace... something that is unusual in our current world culture.
Considering the extreme-fast-pace of our lives today, when was the last time you had the experience of being "fully relaxed"?
Why live in pain?
You deserve Peace.
Peace Through Healing.
Emily Klik, LMT
Illinois License 227.018549
Call, text or email me with questions and/or to set up a house call.
Cell phone: 773-841-1824
Contact me directly to set up an appointment and with more questions
How does CST work?
Explaining the CranioSacral System and Rhythm.
The CranioSacral system is made up of several different parts, all contained within our skull, vertebrae and sacrum (the triangular bone below our lumbar spine).
Lining the inside of our skull/vertebrae/sacrum and the outside of our brain are our meningeal membranes (aka the meninges, or "sub-dural" spaces) which contain cerebrospinal fluid (called CSF). There are small structures (choroid plexus) within our brain that manufacture CSF (filtered from our bloodstream) and pump it into the space between the layers of dural membrane, where it flows down to the sacrum in our vertebral canal.
After reaching the sacrum (the endpoint of this system), it flows back up to the skull, around the brain, where it is reabsorbed into the bloodstream via the arachnoid villi. This ebb and flow of the CSF creates a subtle rhythm that can be felt and measured anywhere in the body (via the nervous system), with the average/ normal rhythm being 6-12 full cycles per minute.
The CranioSacral system functions to protect and nutritionally support the brain and spinal cord or central nervous system (think of CSF as "high grade blood", and a liquid cushion). Wherever there is tension in this system due to trauma or strain, this tension is transferred to the brain or spinal cord resulting in a wide variety of symptoms from headache to sciatic pain, that may include dizziness, back pain, jaw pain and many more symptoms.
During sessions, I place my hands on various parts of my client's body (all therapy is done fully clothed) and use light touch with low-velocity manipulations to release restrictions from connective tissue.
How light is my touch? 5-20 grams of pressure for teens and adults, and 0-5 grams for children and babies. (5g = the weight of a nickel)
This gentle touch bypasses "tissue resistance" (an effect that can arise with higher-velocity manipulations), thus ensuring that there is no soreness following therapy. Many clients report that stress "melts" easily from their body/being, allowing the stress response to fully disengage, and my client to fully relax.
The gentle touch of CranioSacral Therapy allows the brain and central nervous system to 'breathe' and function at its optimal level for the body. (see my page about Somato Emotional Release).
What does CST address?
Some of the many issues I've successfully addressed: (See my "Somato Emotional Release" page for info about non-physical healing. Roll your pointer over my name in the menu above for the link):
* Migraines
* Cluster migraines
* Headaches triggered by stress/tension
* Creeping headaches
* Migraines with aura/ visual disturbances
* Nausea/dizziness associated w/migraine
* "Vice-like" headaches
* Headaches from trauma (bump on head)
* Nerve issues (nerve pain)/ neuropathy
* Pressure behind eyes or in temple area
* Brain fog / difficulty concentrating
* Neck/back pain
* Dizziness/ vertigo/ equilibrium issues
* Sinus problems (acute or chronic, face and ears)
* "Blocks" in the body
* Chronic stress and Tension-related issues
* TMJ (temporo-mandibular joint) / jaw pain
* Soreness from clenching/ grinding
* Muscle soreness from over-exertion
* Joint pain/ subluxations (whole body)
* Sacroiliac pain
* Sciatica
* Physical trauma from accidents (car, bike, falls etc)
* Subluxations from sprains/ strains
* Eye strain/ tired eyes/ sudden changes in vision
* Carpal tunnel/ repetitive motion issues
* Post surgical dysfunction and pain
* Sensory Integration issues++
* Scoliosis++
* Fibromyalgia++
++ indicates an issue that can be successfully managed with therapy over time